Prospecting for listings is a numbers game. We can call the same people you’d call yourself if you had more time for personal prospecting. We call expired listings, old expired listings, for sale by owners and we can also do circle calling around your listings and sales.
If you were to do the prospecting yourself, you’d find sellers that are ready to set up a listing appointment as well as serious sellers that require more time and lead follow up. We send both, listing appointments that we've set up for you and leads that require your attention and some follow up. We will build you up to the seller so it will feel like any other referral by the time you receive the appointment or lead. Then you just do what you do. Take listings and get them sold.
We simply say…
“Hello Mr. Johnson… my name is Cheri... I’m calling on behalf of Joe Agent at XYZ Real Estate… Joe asked me to give you a quick call because we noticed that your home came up as off the market… Did you get the home sold or was it still available? Are you planning to put the home back on the market? If the home had sold, where were you planning to go next?...
“Hello Mr. Johnson… my name is Cheri... I’m calling on behalf of Joe Agent at XYZ Real Estate… John asked me to give everyone in the neighborhood a quick call because he JUST SOLD a home in the area and there are still a lot of buyers looking for homes. The inventory is low so prices are very strong... do you know anyone in the area that has talked about making a move... that might want to find out if now is a good time? How about you folks, have you thought of making a move at all?...
When your first commission can be as much as $80,000 on a $5,000 investment, WINNING!
We find the sellers that MUST SELL. 60% or our our Referrals LIST in an average of 17 days! Why? Because they MUST SELL.
They are only FSBO because they are BUYERS first! Double your commission with this EASY FSBO seller.
Remember, these are expired sellers and FSBO sellers. Most of them will LIST in the next 30-60 days even if we don’t call them for you. It doesn’t get any better than these groups and that is why so many of the top listing agents in real estate prospect these groups. The conversion rate after you pre- qualify will be 40% We will prospect until you’ve taken the listings that you order and replace any that don’t sell with listings that do.
Our entry level order is 10 listings closed. Normally, it will take 4 months to take 10 listings. Then we start over. Our goal is to find partners that can handle 2/3 new listings per month… 12 months per year… for years to come! We have 100+ partners that would be happy to talk to you about why they've been with us for years.
Prospecting isn't new nor is it complicated. It isn’t a magic pill either but if you are the type of agent that is good at converting referrals then you'll be good at converting these too. Our partners have literally earned millions of dollars listing and selling our referrals.
Everything is personalized. The price range we prospect, the geographic area that we prospect and the schedule that we use. Every two weeks you will let us know if your schedule is open for new appointments and leads. Some weeks are hectic and others are for vacations and seminars. We will send you an average of 1 to 2 sellers per week only when you are working. It is all about you.
Most lead generation programs are web based buyer referral programs. A lead simply fills out a form online so that they can see a property. Very low quality.
This is NOT like that. These are human beings having a phone conversation with sellers in your market and creating an introduction for you. A referral. Remember, just ONE closing pays for the program and eliminates the risk.
Entry Level Package:
10 Listing Side Closings $5000 plus 10% Broker to Broker Referral Fee at closing.
We want to make sure this program is a good fit for you. The next step is as simple as:
Hi Debi, I spoke with the seller Mike. This is going to be a great opportunity for you. Mike recently took another job a few hours North of his home. He is actually living in his RV until his home sells! The good news is that they are willing to list with an agent if he likes what they have to say. This is an appointment but I told the seller that you’d call to confirm and probably have some additional questions for them. He is looking forward to meeting you. Remember, most of these sellers DO list their homes within 30 days so good luck.
I spoke Robin and we had a fantastic conversation. She was easy to talk to. Her and her husband are selling their mother’s home. Her mother has some serious health issues and is living with Robin. They would like to sell the home sooner rather than later and they are open to selling it furnished or unfurnished. There is no mortgage on the property. The good news is that they are willing to cooperate with agents if you have a buyer for the home or if the NET makes sense and now that the home is cleaned up she just wanted to talk to her husband to coordinate a time that might to have you come see the home and discuss their options. Robin will look for your follow up call. Sellers like this normally list right away. Good luck!
The seller had a bad experience with 2 agents in the past and that is why she decided to sell on her own. She did open up to me and we had a decent conversation. The good news is that the seller has already moved out of the home and it is vacant. She is open minded and willing to list the home if what you have to say makes sense after you meet with her on Friday. I’m confident that she will list with you if you can show her what you can do to get her home sold. I did set up the appointment but I told the seller that you’d call to confirm and probably have some additional questions for them. They are looking forward to meeting you. Remember, most of these sellers DO list their homes within 30 days so good luck.
I spoke with the seller. It was a quick conversation. The seller has moved out of state and the home is vacant so it doesn’t get much better than that as for motivation. The good news is that they are willing to list with an agent if they don’t sell the home soon. The seller has only been on the market for 2 weeks but at $779,000 it is a great price and a potential commission of $23,000 so I wanted you to have it even if you need to do a little lead follow up. This is just a lead at this point. After you talk to the seller you can decide if you’d like to do the follow up yourself or have us do the lead follow up for you. Remember, most of these sellers DO list their homes within 30 days so good luck.
This seller has only been selling for 3 weeks BUT at $823,000, this is a great price point so I wanted you to have it even if they don't list immediately. The seller is downsizing because the kids are gone and he can’t get up and down the stairs any longer. The home was redone in 2003 and valued at $820,000 almost 2 years ago. The market has only improved so you may be able to make the numbers work. The seller is willing to cooperate if the NET makes sense. I was not able to set up an appointment for you because the seller wanted to wait another week or two before meeting with agents so this would be considered are “lead follow up.”
Hi Eric, I had a great conversation with Jennifer. She was easy to talk to. She said, “I am not interested in listing with an agent yet, but I am willing to cooperate with a buyer’s agent so that is at least half the commission she's willing to pay PLUS she said that she had flexibility with her price as well. Jennifer and Robert have been in Warren for 40 years and now they are ready to retire and move to FL. I really wanted you to have this because the asking price is $769,000 which is a commission of about $21,000. She would be a great opportunity for you to call and introduce yourself. This lead may require follow up but she will be listing with an agent when she is ready . Good luck!
We have 100+ agents that have made Millions of Dollars and you are welcome to talk to as many as you like!